Course Syllabus

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Welcome to Mrs. Cook's Class



Course Description:
ELAR (Reading + Writing) is designed to ensure that every student develops the essential reading and writing skills, habits of mind, and concepts they need to succeed in high school and in college. Students will develop and sharpen their critical thinking and analytical English skills. Each student will demonstrate various writing techniques and the ability to adapt each writing style for different audiences. Grammar and vocabulary skills will also be developed throughout the year.

Contact Me:

Phone Number: 430-775-6200 ext. 6226
Join my Remind: text '@masklife20' to the number '81010'

Grading Policy:

Each nine weeks, at least nine daily grades and three major grades will be posted. Grade averages will be calculated in the following way: 50% daily grades & 50% test grades.

Late Work Policy:

If you will be absent, work will be due no later than 2 days after the day that you missed (excluding weekends).

Classroom Expectations
1. Take Risks and Make Mistakes
2. Be Punctual and Ready to Learn
3. Respect Yourself and Others...Be Kind!
4. Work Hard and Dream Big
5. Stay Positive
6. Follow Directions

Conference Period:

2:40-3:30 pm